Saturday, June 26, 2004

thinking more than saying

Yes, well, I started this on a day when I had desired to share with the world my thoughts. Most of the time, actually, I simply prefer just to think my thoughts and not share them unless asked. This blog thing is voluntary and so open, and my mind moves in so many directions that it seems rather difficult to pin it down to coherance. I should probably interview myself and see if I really have anything truly interesting to say on a given topic.

Politics - nah. What's the use on that one. I will vote when election time is here, but do I really feel that I can make a difference that

Finances or business - Though I would wish to be more financially comfortable than I am, I don't have the ambition or willingness to give up my leisure and personal enrichment time to amass wealth.

Religion - I do have opinions based on many years of reading, discussions, and experiences, but I would save such discussions for dialogues and message boards.

World events - crushingly disturbing and traumatic - war is truly hell, regardless of what other label it is given and how it is waged. Simply horrible...but it will always be with us, I fear...always. If I subject myself to the images and the repetitive proclamations of what is going on I will sink into a hopeless sadness. I will pray and look away.

Relationships - I have much to say on this subject, for it is something that has been an interest of mine throughout my life, in one way or another. Many dynamics here always complex....

And then I lost interest for months...either that or I was frustrated due to forgetting how my handle was assembled....from June 2004 to April of 2005...~sighs~ ah well...too busy living and relating to deal with putting thoughts down for posterity.

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