Saturday, May 29, 2004

Her Life Goes On

I'm not quite sure who might be interested in reading what I have to say, but if there is such a person and I receive some kind of feedback, perhaps it will be beneficial.

Unless I date and write things down I don't tend to remember many details about my life because I conceptualize much of it. I am an observer and a listener. I should have listed myself as "The Data Gatherer" I think, but for the fact that I tend to go against many grains and hit the "dissonant" chord in the symphony of life in a number of ways.

"you are so nice." "you are such a good person"

Perhaps I do present that way because I see no sense in offering most people my inner life disruptions. I feel, also, that there is plenty of pain in this existence without my adding to it purposely. So, as a friend always says, " I try to always take the high road."