Saturday, May 29, 2004

Her Life Goes On

I'm not quite sure who might be interested in reading what I have to say, but if there is such a person and I receive some kind of feedback, perhaps it will be beneficial.

Unless I date and write things down I don't tend to remember many details about my life because I conceptualize much of it. I am an observer and a listener. I should have listed myself as "The Data Gatherer" I think, but for the fact that I tend to go against many grains and hit the "dissonant" chord in the symphony of life in a number of ways.

"you are so nice." "you are such a good person"

Perhaps I do present that way because I see no sense in offering most people my inner life disruptions. I feel, also, that there is plenty of pain in this existence without my adding to it purposely. So, as a friend always says, " I try to always take the high road."


Scribbler said...

I am such a person that would be interested in what you have to say. I have been looking for those women that have walked the path before me; the giants upon whose shoulders I may stand. I am one of those young women following, making my own way, but grateful when occasionally the path has been made easier and more clear by those that came before. Thank you for posting.

Diana said...

Yay for published wonder women! Please post more frequently!

love you,