Monday, January 30, 2006

Unconscious writing

I was talking to a friend who has some small knowledge of graphology, I believe it is, the study of handwriting analysis. Though he indicates that I have my times of flamboyance, with my loops being slightly larger than life, he also states that the lead into my "M" indicates that I drag the past with me. Of course I had to agree. Twenty years of childhood/adolescence/young adulthood and then...Thirty-two years a partner and then a mother, for an identity. I make every effort to glean that which I made good in those thirty years because those who shared it with me have gone from the majority of my life and I must live with what I have made.

(to be added to off to work)

1 comment:

Dez Darlyn said...

Still waiting for you to add to this one. I know my writing has changed over the years. But one of the things that has affected it is arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Wonder what a graphologist would make of that?